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"Por mais soberana que a a minha mente se torne, o meu coração será para sempre vagabundo"


old but gold


 Cada vez que temos um problema devemos pensar apenas numa coisa, "O que é que posso fazer?". Devemos evitar dramatizar, sentir pena de nós mesmos, irmos-nos a baixo... Tentar manter a cabeça fria e "O que é que eu posso fazer?". Se houver algo que possamos fazer, que comece a "cirurgia" damage repair. Se não... "O que não tem solução, solucionado está." 

Há coisas que não dependem de nós. Às vezes fazemos o nosso melhor e as coisas correm mal na mesma. Faz parte. Devemos tentar ficar orgulhosos por termos feito o que podíamos. O resto eventualmente resolve-se...





Constriction of the Afferent and Efferent Arterioles

Normally the afferent arteriole is of larger diameter than the efferent. This means there is high resistance as the blood is forced from a wider vessel to a narrower one and this promotes filtration. If the arterial blood pressure remains constant then contracting either vessel reduces blood flow as it increases resistance. However contracting either has opposite effects on the filtration pressure. If you contract the afferent arteriole there will be less of a pressure difference between the afferent and efferent arteriole so there will be reduced filtration pressure. However if you constrict the efferent arteriole you are increasing the pressure difference between the two and filtration pressure increase.

Overall the constriction of the afferent arteriole decreases both blood flow and filtration pressure where as constricting the efferent arteriole decreases blood flow but increases filtration pressure. (Both of these statements are assuming a constant blood pressure). The fact that both can be altered allows independent regulation of both GFR and blood flow.




"Throw yourself a 33 & 1/3 birthday party."





 "Throw yourself a 33 & 1/3 birthday party. You've made it exactly 1/3 of a century, celebrate it! Something I thought about then and didn't do, but still regret. You only have one other opportunity in your entire life to do something similar, but a 66 & 2/3 party at 2/3 of a century just doesn't have the same ring to it, plus I'm guessing it won't be with as lively a crowd as you have now." 



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