In vino, veritás
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In vino, veritás
"Toda a boa ação será castigada" Ralph J
"Obrigada não, são 5€"
I know what you mean, last week my feelings were hurt by something you said before, that I don't know what it's like to loose something (...) I caught myself thinking about it over and over, and then I realized that I was simply remembering it as something that was wrong with me. That was the story I was telling myself, that I was somehow inferior. Isn't that interesting? The past is just a story we tell ourselves.
- Filme "Her"
[Tocou-me, fez-me pensar em como aqueles momentos que nos magoam mas que escolhemos relembrar over, and over again talvez estejam a reforçar imagens negativas que temos de nós próprios.]
This is an intimate moment for Brienne and Jaime- the scene almost feels like a wedding. Jaime declares his faith in Brienne, just as she did for him before. Jaime and Brienne might never kiss or have sex, but this knighting is a moment of love.
[Fonte: Alt Shift X, youtube]
Diz a cirurgiã à aluna, "Há muitos doentes que têm a chamada deficiência hidrosaponária. A menina já ouviu falar?", "Não", responde timidamente, "Deficiência de água e sabão, também conhecida como manchas hidrossolúveis."
“In order to awaken your best life, it’s important that you “die while you are alive.” Most people live as if they have all the time in the world. They wish they had more time in their days and yet they waste the time they have. They put off living until some event in the future occurs. In order to awaken to your best life, every day should be lived as if it were your last day on the planet.”
― Daily Inspiration From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
"You know, in order to make somebody laugh, you have to be interesting, and in order to be interesting, you have to do things that are mean. Comedy comes out of anger, and interesting comes out of angry; otherwise there is no conflict."
em "Blink", Malcolm Gladwell
As Hugh Hefner once famously said: “In my wildest dreams, I could not have imagined a sweeter life.”
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