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The mere-exposure effect is a psychological phenomenon by which people tend to develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them. In social psychology, this effect is sometimes called the familiarity principle. The effect has been demonstrated with many kinds of things, including words, Chinese characters, paintings, pictures of faces, geometric figures, and sounds.[1] In studies of interpersonal attraction, the more often a person is seen by someone, the more pleasing and likeable that person appears to be.
(em: wikipédia)
Imagens do filme "Scent of a woman", que vi no outro dia. Adorei esta cena e adorei o estilo da rapariga, tão cheia de classe e beleza! #goals
(sinal de sinueta com o coração!)
(língula faz parte do lobo superior esquerdo, sinal de sinueta com o coração)
13 seguidores
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