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"Por mais soberana que a a minha mente se torne, o meu coração será para sempre vagabundo"


"Thank you for stopping by"


[Disclaimer: Talvez me tenha escapado uma lágrima no fim. Adorei esta poesia a dois (ainda não desidratei...)]

[Sarah & Phil]
I knew exactly what love looked like...
In seventh grade

Even though I hadn't met love yet
If love had wandered into my homeroom
I would have recognized him at first glance
Love wore a hemp necklace

I would have recognized her at first glance
Love wore a tight French braid

Love played acoustic guitar
And knew all my favorite Beatles songs

Love wasn't afraid to ride the bus with me

[Sarah & Phil]
And I knew

I just must be searching the wrong classroom

Just must be checking the wrong hallways
She was there, I was sure of it

If only I could find him

[Sarah & Phil]
But when love finally showed up

She had a bowl cut

He wore the same clothes every day for a week

Love hated the bus

Love didn't know anything about the Beatles

[Sarah & Phil]

Every time I tried to kiss love

[Sarah & Phil]
Our teeth got in the way

Love became the reason I lied to my parents

"I'm going to... Ben's house"

Love had terrible rhythm on the dance floor
But made sure we never missed a slow song

Love waited by the phone because she knew if her father picked up it would be

[Sarah (Phil)]
"Hello ?" (*Heavy breathing*)
"Hello ?" (*Heavy breathing*)
"I guess they hung up"

And love grew

Stretched like a trampoline

Love changed

Love disappeared... slowly
Like baby teeth, losing parts of me I thought I needed

Love vanished like an amateur magician
Everyone could see the trapdoor but me

Like a flat tire
There were other places I had planned on going

[Sarah & Phil]
But my plans didn't matter

Love stayed away for years
And when love finally reappeared, I barely recognized him

Love smelled different now, had darker eyes

A broader back
Love came with freckles I didn't recognize

New birthmarks, a softer voice

Now there were new sleeping patterns

New favorite books

Love had songs that reminded him of someone else

Songs love didn't like to listen to

[Sarah & Phil]
So did I...

But we found a park bench that fit us perfectly

We found jokes that make us laugh

And now love makes me fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies

But love will probably finish most of them for a midnight snack

Loves looks great in lingerie but still likes to wear her retainer

Love is a terrible driver, but a great navigator

Love knows where she's going
It just might take her two hours longer than she planned

Love is messier now

Not as simple

Love uses the word "boobs" in front of my parents

Love chews too loud

Love leaves the cap off the toothpaste

Love uses smiley faces in her text messages

And turns out

[Sarah & Phil]
Love shits!

But love also cries
And love will tell you, "You are beautiful"

And mean it

[Sarah (Phil)]
Over and over again ("You are beautiful")
When you first wake up- ("You are beautiful")
When you've just been crying- ("You are beautiful")
When you don't wanna hear it- ("You are beautiful")
When you don't believe it- ("You are beautiful")
When nobody else will tell you, ("You are beautiful")
Love still thinks... ("...")

You are beautiful

But love is not perfect and will sometimes forget

When you need to hear it most

[Sarah & Phil]
You are beautiful

Do not forget this

Love is not who you were expecting
Love is not what you can predict

Maybe love is in New York City already asleep
You are in California, Australia, wide awake
Maybe love is always in the wrong timezone

Maybe love is not ready for you
Maybe you are not ready for love

Maybe love just isn't the marrying type

Maybe the next time you see love is twenty years after the divorce
Love looks older now, but just as beautiful as you remember

Maybe love is only there for a month

Maybe love is there for every firework, every birthday party, every hospital visit

Maybe love stays

Maybe love can't

[Sarah & Phil]
Maybe love shouldn't...

Love arrives exactly when love is supposed to
And love leaves exactly when love must

When love arrives say,

[Sarah & Phil]
"Welcome, make yourself comfortable"

If love leaves, ask her to leave the door open behind her

Turn off the music, listen to the quiet


[Sarah & Phil]
"Thank you for stopping by"


Obtenção de som a partir de video (ESPECTACULAR!)


 E a seguir a um bom filme, partilho um video muito interessante e ao mesmo tempo acessível. Como se sabe, as ondas sonoras ao passarem pelos objectos fazem com que estes vibrem, ora, estudando essas vibrações, invisíveis a olho nu, consegue-se descodificar os sons que as fizeram vibrar! Há com certeza, toda uma esfera de aplicabilidade deste conhecimento! Estou absolutamente fascinada.

lonely day


 Porque há dias em que tudo parece errado, durante os quais não consigo deixar de me sentir absolutamente sozinha e insignificante e que quaisquer esperanças de felicidade pura serão mentira.

Às vezes tenho a impressão que nunca serei feliz, nunca atingirei os objectivos com os quais toda a minha vida tenho sonhado. Quando parece que estou perto de alcançar o que quero, algo sempre acontece (ou simplesmente não acontece) e permaneço sempre no mesmo degrau desta maldita escada (a melancolia dá-me para metáforas e outras figuras de estilo irritantes e pirosas).

O pior (ou mau simplesmente), é que à vista dos outros a minha vida até é boa, e quando oiço alguém apreciar o que alcancei, a dizer que tenho sorte ou uma vida divertida, não consigo deixar de sentir o coração apertado e abanar suavemente a cabeça. Nada disso, digo-vos já... Oh, se eles soubessem o quão vazia a minha vida realmente é, e que o que eu realmente desejo... Não me pertence.



"Due to lack of interest, today was canceled."


As lovely as it gets...

Não me canso de ver "Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge". É muito divertido (inicialmente foi um anime) e acho que a mensagem é linda: "I love this clumsy you that you hate". Claro que tenho plena consciencia de tão fantasiado que é, mas afinal, se até as nossas inspirações fossem realistas, a vida seria um tanto aborrecida...

Mais sobre mim

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